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Charging will become easier in Austria

Climate protection minister Leonore Gewessler and justice minister Alma Zadić have jointly presented measures for e-mobility in residential buildings. According to these measures, the installation of charging stations in multi-party houses is to be made easier from autumn onwards.

"As BEÖ we welcome the planned introduction of the right-to-plug regulation, especially the abolition of the unanimity rule", says Ute Teufelberger, chairwoman of the Federal Association for Electric Mobility Austria (BEÖ). "This would make the biggest hurdle for electric mobility in multi-party houses history and a longstanding demand of BEÖ will finally be fulfilled".

Privileging intelligent charging

From the point of view of the BEÖ, another important regulation concerns the preferential treatment of communal facilities with intelligent charging management. According to the Minister of Justice Zadić pilot projects, for example in Lower Austria, have found out that the simultaneous charging of several electric cars is possible without any problems. A draft for a change in the law is to be prepared by the autumn. (hcn/nhp)