According to PSE data and as of 1/05/2020, the installed capacity from solar farms was 1832.7 MW. This means that 137.35 MW arrived in April and 4.58 MW was installed daily.
This is an increase of 181.42 percent year on year. However, throughout April 2020, the increase in photovoltaic plant capacity was 8.1 percent compared to March 2020. PSE data includes all PV installations reported to distribution companies, connected to both medium and low voltage networks.
Act on renewable energy sources
For the development of photovoltaics in Poland in 2019, the entry into force of the amendment to the Act on renewable energy sources, which introduced a number of significant changes in the support system for electricity generated from PV installations, proved very important:
• extension of the prosumer definition to enterprises for which energy production is not the overriding object of economic activity and gives them the opportunity to benefit from a discount system,
• Energy settlement in longer settlement cycles
• No need to prepare a construction design for the smallest micro installations up to 6.5 kW,
• Entry into force of the so-called thermomodernization relief in personal income tax. Thanks to the relief, natural persons can deduct from the income tax base expenses incurred, among others for solar installations together with their accessories, as well as their assembly. The deduction may not, however, exceed the amount of 53.000 zł,
• in September 2019, the VAT rate for solar installations functionally related to a building with an area of up to 300 sq. m was also harmonized. All such systems are subject to 8% VAT.
• The possibility of placing micro-installations in areas which are intended for production purposes other than production
According to the recommendations of the European Union, by the end of 2020 the share of renewable energy production in Poland's full energy balance should amount to 15 percent. Therefore, renewable energy investments are co-financed from EU funds. Numerous support programs are available: My Electricity (Mój Prąd), Clean Air (Czyste Powietrze), Energy Plus (Energia Plus), Prosumer (Prosument) or Agroenergia, under which you can apply for funding for the purchase and installation of new PV installations.
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Perspectives of photovoltaic development in Poland
In the draft Energy Policy of Poland until 2040 of November 8, 2019, it is expected that by the end of 2020, photovoltaics in Poland will reach 2,285 MW, i.e. 4.7% of the power of all sources of electricity production: traditional and renewable. The real potential of photovoltaic installations was estimated at about 7 GW by 2030 and as much as 16 GW by 2040. A significant part of the potential in PV technologies.

Poland has huge photovoltaic potential. You will receive more information about the market and its possibilities in the ONLINE PV CONFERENCE & EXPO Photovoltaics in Poland, perspectives and challenges (25-26.June.2020) is an innovative international online event, a conference with an exhibition part, addressed to participants operating in the photovoltaic industry. The event will be implemented on a professional, interactive platform containing separate segments such as: Reception, Main Stage, Sessions, Expo Exhibition Part and Networking Platform. During two days, participants will be able to freely navigate through all segments and visit individual webinar rooms. Speakers and exhibitors will be able to make presentations in the form of live broadcasts or by broadcasting previously recorded material. In addition, the platform allows for establishing relationships, allows for various interactions and conversations via chat / video between participants. (HCN)