The workstream will strive to develop market and business intelligence on solar-to-hydrogen and renewable hydrogen, identifying the most promising business models and the means of accelerating the cost-reduction of electrolysis-based production.
It will develop recommendations from the solar industry, to promote renewable hydrogen in key European policy files such as the upcoming revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and revision of the EU State Aid Guidelines for Energy and Environment (EEAG).
Growing activities on renewable hydrogen
The launch of the Renewable Hydrogen Workstream marks the continuation of SolarPower Europe’s growing activities on renewable hydrogen over the past year, reflecting the strong political momentum and interest from industry and policymakers to take advantage of this new opportunity.
In November 2020, SolarPower Europe, in collaboration with Wind Europe and Breakthrough Energy, launched the Renewable Hydrogen Coalition, an industry-led initiative promoting the central role of renewable hydrogen to deliver the EU’s long-term decarbonisation goals. SolarPower Europe also proudly coordinates the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance’s “Low-carbon and renewable hydrogen production Roundtable”.
Promote the right framework and business conditions
Aurélie Beauvais, Deputy CEO and Policy Director of SolarPower Europe, said: “On the road to achieving climate neutrality in the EU, renewable hydrogen is the missing puzzle piece, a key enabler of Green Deal ambition and for the decarbonisation of hard-to-electrify sectors.“
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„Building on a flourishing European renewable industry, a clear prioritisation of renewable hydrogen solutions in the EU Hydrogen Strategy will multiply job and growth opportunities, establishing Europe as a world leader in renewable and electrolysis-based solutions. Our workstream will strive to promote the right framework and business conditions needed for the success of this endeavor, in close collaboration with our partners from the Renewable Hydrogen Coalition“, Beauvais said.
If you are interested in joining the workstream, sign up here. (hcn)
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