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BER: Berlin Airport is getting three solar roof systems

The airport company is planning to install solar panels on more roofs and open spaces by 2030. An EU-wide call for tenders is currently being issued for the solar development of two open spaces. According to the yield forecast, the solar panels on the car parks will supply around 2.2 gigawatt hours of electricity per year. This is enough to supply around 600 three-person households with electricity for a year.

Anti-glare protection required due to runways

A total of around 5,000 modules will be installed. A single module is about one by two metres in size and weighs 22 kilograms. The three car park roofs cover a total of 22,000 square metres, which is about the same size as three football pitches. Installation on airport grounds presents particular challenges.

Register for our free webinar about the planning and design of large PV rooftops on February 12.

Among other things, an expert opinion was required on the effects of glare and possible radar reflections, since the solar installations are being erected in the immediate vicinity of the runways.

Calculating glare from solar modules

The airport operator has committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 65 per cent by 2030 compared to 2010. Accordingly, BER's operations should be CO2-neutral by 2045 at the latest. (nhp/hcn)