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Investor newsletter

Solar projects break the gigawatt barrier

Our next newsletter for investors and project developers will start on May 29, 2024. It revolves around growing investments in solar parks from Spain to Middle East, from Norway to Italy. More and larger systems mean growing opportunities for investors and project developers.

Weakness in real estate strengthens infrastructure projects

The project business got off to a very good start in the first quarter of 2024. The weak capital market for real estate makes solar parks interesting as an investment. Especially as the EU's new legal options are taking effect. But only carefully planned and implemented solar parks generate decent returns.

The topics at a glance:

Nextracker supplies 1.1 GW PV plant in Saudi ArabiaNorway's sovereign wealth fund invests millions in solar parks in SpainDenmark: Solar park with storage for grid stabilizationPoland: Financing for 59 MW PV projects secured by R.PowerGoldbeck Solar builds huge photovoltaic plant for Eneco Solar 

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Of course, in this newsletter you will also find information about exciting projects and developments in Europe and beyond. It is rounded off by current industry events. (HS/mfo)

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