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New checklist for safer solar roofing work

Common protective measures, known as collective fall protection, should be used for all rooftop solar installations. Svensk Solenergi's new checklist goes through how fall protection should be designed when working on houses and other small buildings for a safe working environment.

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„Falling accidents can have disastrous consequences. Our checklist is easy to use and helps to ensure that the necessary protective measures are in place before the work starts,” says Anna Werner, CEO of Svensk Solenergi.

The checklist in brief:

1. stable scaffolding: scaffolding and guardrails should be correctly erected, free from damage and well anchored according to the manufacturer's instructions.
2. safe access: when installing solar panels, a temporary scaffolding shall be built with stair towers that provide a safe way up to the roof and reduce the risk of falls.
3. seal & skirting: skirting and seal should run along the entire platform to prevent people or objects from falling off.

Professional installers can use the checklist as part of the work process to ensure that adequate fall protection is used. The checklist covers the most essential elements of fall protection for small roof works and can be used in the vast majority of cases. However, each installation is unique and may require adaptations.

See also the installer video: Skapa Energi Nordic from Falkenberg

„We encourage everyone working on roofs to always prioritize safety. We hope that our checklist will become a standard tool for solar installations and other roofing work,” says Anna Werner. (hcn)