The new product can be applied manually, or in your machines that are already used, simply diluting the product in water. The product has two functions: firstly, washing the panels is easily removing the dirt. Secondly, it gives a positive charge on the surface of the panel, but it does not leave the dirt to adhere to the panels. With this effect the panel will produce more energy for a longer time, and the time between maintenance increases (depending on the location between 1 to 12 months) saving water and manpower.
The product solar wash protect from Chemitek is a solution for washing photovoltaic panels, concentrated and quick-action cleaning that makes it easy to clean all kinds of dirt, besides the washing contains a polymer that adheres on the surface, protecting the panel from scratches and dirt. According to the company the product does not use solvents: no VOC's - non-flammable and does not affect aluminum or other materials. Chemitec also has industrial solutions for glass coating and for anti-soling. (nhp)
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