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Svensk Solenergi

Further growth of the Swedish PV market

For a couple of years, Svensk Solenergi (Swedish Solar Energy Association) has collected monthly statistics from the three major electricity grid companies and from there made a monthly estimate of the entire market. The association assumes that the three grid companies cover 60 percent of the market.

„When we received the final statistics from the Swedish Energy Agency for 2023 at the end of March this year, it emerged that they actually account for 55% of the market, which we expect in the future when we make our monthly estimate“, Anna Werner, CEO of Svensk Solenergi says.

Forecast of 65,000 completed installations for 2024

„Therefore, in May, instead of our estimate of 5,600 new PV installations (which we would have obtained if the trio accounted for 60% of the market), 6,100 were pre-registered. This is 1.2% more than in April. This means that pre-registrations increased for the fifth consecutive month since the low point in December. At that time, pre-registrations were at their lowest level since 2021“, Werner declares.

See also: New checklist of Svensk Solenergi for safer solar roofing work

For the number of completed installations, the increase in May was more pronounced. The 4,600 installations were 15 percent more than in April, which was however a weak month.

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Svensk Solenergi's forecast for the full year 2024 was 65,000 completed installations (connections). „During the first five months of the year, we estimate that 20,591 connections have been completed and 26,908 pre-registrations. We will update the statistics pages as we receive data from the three electricity network companies“, Werner says. (hcn)