Like all tracking systems, the T29 by California-based company Sunfolding works by continuously positioning a solar array to face the sun at the optimal angle. Unlike other tracking systems, however, the T29 uses a compressed air system called AirDrive to change the inclination of the solar array throughout the day. It can be used at any ground-mounted solar project site, including challenging sites characterised by uneven terrain and irregular parcels of land that are difficult to fill with traditional trackers.
In contrast to motor-driven trackers, which require many components, limit project site utilisation and impose substantial operations and maintenance costs, the Sunfolding T29 makes solar infrastructure simple again. The system has three parts: the air supply, the air controller and the structural tracker rows. This makes it easy and fast to deploy, which together with the maintenance being generally limited to occasionally changing a few air filters, saves costs overall. The tracking surface can be equipped with any standard framed or frameless solar module, including crystalline and thin-film. They can be configured either as a single row of crystalline modules in portrait or as three rows of thin-film modules.
Please note that Sunfolding currently only operate in the US and Australia. (mfo)