Our web service pv Europe and Swiss data specialist Meteotest have developed an interactive map of Europe. It gives you the monthly sum data of solar irradiation in your region. You can zoom in or out, jump across the continent to another region where maybe you or your solar business partners are working. Or want to work.
The colourful map is always up-to-date, and the colours give you a rough value for the sum data of the recent month – or the months ago (back to April 2015). So you can build up your own timeline for a region interesting for solar activities.
If you need precise data, please use this map to click the banners on the right side. Then you get direct access to the experts of Meteotest and the data base of Meteonorm, a famous program kernel for mostly all planning software in the solar market.
Use it, go ahead! Because it is time to carry the solar energy transition to every corner of Europe! (Heiko Schwarzburger)