In its first year of operation, the My PV company building achieved a level of self-sufficiency of 347.9 per cent. This value results from the balance of power fed into the grid versus power drawn from the grid. More than half of the energy is supplied by the photovoltaic system in the facade and on the roof of the building. The special feature: This balance includes all sectors, i.e. hot water, space heating and mobility in addition to the electrical consumers, because My PV supplies all four sectors purely electrically.
Result further improved
Already in the six months of winter of the first heating season from November 2021 to April 2022, the building was self-sufficient in terms of energy. The high yield of the solar system in the facade and on the roof in the summer months, combined with the lack of heating demand, has now further improved the result.
See also: My-PV: Evaluation of housing project shows performance of power2heat
Thus, in the entire first year of operation, the photovoltaic system directly provided 59.9 per cent of the total energy for the building. My PV drew the remaining 40.1 per cent of its electricity needs from the grid. At the same time, however, three and a half times more solar power was fed into the grid.
67 per cent lower costs than with conventional heating
The financial benefits also suggest a switch to full solar-electric supply for commercial buildings. My PV calculated annual operating costs of 2,100 euros. That would have been 67 per cent less than for commercial buildings of a similar size with conventional heating technology.

The calculation was based on costs for commercial electricity of 16 cents per kilowatt hour and revenues from grid feed-in of four cents per kilowatt hour - both common values at the time of the forecast in September 2021.
Building generates income
Due to the good functioning of the solar-electric concept, My PV has now been able to reduce the operating costs to 402.84 euros based on September 2021 prices. However, since energy prices have risen just as dramatically as the monetary revenues from solar power feed-in since March 2022, My PV has actually now registered a large profit in real terms: My PV's solar-electric building services in the building resulted in negative operating costs of 15,829.24 euros.
Also interesting: Photovoltaics with storage units cut heat pump costs by 35 per cent
The company from Upper Austria therefore actually earned a five-digit amount from the operation of the building. "Even given how the underlying circumstances have shifted, with higher feed-in prices than purchase prices, which are absolutely unnatural and unsustainable, our business model has potential. Oil and gas are on the way out, and it remains economical to use photovoltaic energy directly in the house, even for heating!", summarises My PV managing director Gerhard Rimpler. (mfo)