The European federation of energy communities represents a network of 2,500 energy communities and 2 million citizens who are active in the energy transition. This year’s annual European Energy Communities Forum offers a wide range of workshops, exchanges and interactive sessions for both starting and more established citizen-led energy initiatives and anyone who seeks to boost a more just, democratically governed energy system.
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CID support for energy communities
In February the European Commission officially launched its Clean Industrial Deal (CID). Part oft the Commission's CID ist he „Affordable Energy Action Plan“, which contains a number of good measures that are aimed to reduce energy prices for citizens, businesses and communities across the European Union. The European Federation of Energy Communities particularly welcomes the action plan's commitment to a „Citizens' Energy Package“, which is to be published before the end of 2025.
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Simplification as a strategy
Specifically the package addresses improving opportunities for communities, citizens and businesses to join together in an energy community and initiatives such as energy sharing. The „Citizens' Energy Package“ will be particularly important as most Member States have not yet implemented the framework conditions for energy communities required by existing EU legislation. In addition, the Action Plan proposes other measures that will particularly benefit energy communities, such as simplifications in the areas of network charges, power purchase agreements (PPAs) and permits for construction and connection of renewable energy plants.
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Criticism on the CID
In addition to praise, however, there is also criticism from the Federation of CID. Specifically, the European Federation of Energy Communities points to positions in the CID that it sees as misguided priorities and tactics that strengthen corporate power at the expense of social fairness. The association considers initiatives such as small modular reactors to be deliberate diversionary tactics that have nothing to do with the goal of affordable energy. The Federation also sharply criticizes the release of investments in liquefied natural gas infrastructure to enable additional gas imports, as well as the repeal of EU legislation that ensures European companies are held accountable for respecting human rights and environmental protection.
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The President of the Federation to CID
Dirk Vansintjan, President of the European Federation of Energy Communities, explains: "Energy communities are social economy actors that form a growing and innovative part of European industry and will contribute to the implementation of the energy transition. To revitalize the European economy, however, the Clean Industrial Deal must be, at its core, a social contract that prioritizes the simplification of regulations for the local production, distribution, and supply of renewable electricity and heat through energy communities, as well as citizen-oriented approaches to renovation and energy savings."
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Great expectations for the gathering in Poland
In any case, the CID provides ample material for discussion at the meeting of European Energy Cooperatives in Krakow, Poland, which will lead to an exciting and hopefully fruitful three-day gathering. Krakow itself is an exciting location, as in recent years the city has undergone a successful transformation from a community dominated almost entirely by coal mining to a modern municipality that excels in services, particularly in the field of green energy. (mg)