Either the battery inverter is connected on the AC side, then it runs on 220 volts (single-phase) or 400 V (three-phase), or the charge controller (DC-DC converter) is connected on the DC side, and then the input voltages of the storage unit is equal to the system voltage of the solar array (solar strings). They can produce as much as 800 to 1,000 volts.
Protect your battery system
Protecting battery systems against overvoltage in the house grid or at the point of connection of the house grid to the electricity grid should not be neglected. It does not have be a separate arrester, but it pays to be careful.
Need of internal surge protection
Because if lightning strikes in the neighbourhood and comes into the installation through the floor and the house connection to the grid, the valuable storage unit is just as much at risk as the refrigerator or the string inverter of the solar installation. It should be ascertained if the unit’s internal surge protection is sufficient. When in doubt, separate arresters should be fitted. (HS)
Look at this, too:
Storage advice: High-voltage systems have lower losses
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