Alongside a medium-voltage solution including battery inverters, SMA delivered innovative grid-forming solutions for the flagship project that will help facilitate the seamless integration and safeguard the stability of renewable energy into the Scottish power grid.
The Blackhillock battery storage system was constructed by Wärtsilä for the operator Zenobē and is launching in two phases. Phase 1 comprises of 200MW, followed by a further 100MW in 2026, totalling 300MW/600MWh.
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“With our innovative energy storage solutions, we are setting new standards and laying the foundation for a clean and sustainable energy future,” said Florian Bechtold, Executive Vice President of Large-Scale and Project Solutions at SMA. Our grid-forming battery inverters ensure the provision of short-circuit level and inertia, therefore safeguarding grid stability. We deeply appreciate the collaboration and shared vision of our trusted partners Zenobē and Wärtsilä.”
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The SMA Grid Forming solution will provide a stability service consisting of 116MVA of short circuit level contribution and 370MWs of inertia. This meets the challenge of the growing number of renewable power plants and the decommissioning of conventional power plants. SMA also supplied critical components for the project, including 62 medium-voltage power stations equipped with Sunny Central Storage battery inverters.

The plant was designed with the help of SMA to be meticulously optimized to deliver the best balance of performance and cost and has successfully completed the first of its kind compliance process for the new Great Britain grid connection requirements (grid code 0137), including grid forming requirements. This solution, integrating hardware, software, and engineering services has successfully demonstrated that it fulfils all the specifications of the British grid operator National Energy System Operator (NESO).
Background: Blackhillock large-scale battery storage
Blackhillock is currently Europe‘s largest transmission-grid-connected battery storage system. By facilitating greater integration of wind energy into the power grid, the project is expected to save around 2.3 million tons of CO₂ emissions over the next 15 years.
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Through efficient storage and demand-based redistribution of excess renewable energy, energy waste and dependence on fossil fuels will be reduced. The large-scale storage system is part of the UK’s Pathfinder program, which aims to address stability issues in the transmission grid. SMA, Zenobē and Wärtsilä will also work together in 2025 to implement the Kilmarnock storage project as part of the Pathfinder program. (hcn)