German website
The new Special Edition on the decentralised generation and use of solar power in agriculture has been published. It is available to download free of charge.
Renewable energies are clearly having a price-dampening effect. With 20 gigawatts more of onshore wind energy and 30 gigawatts more of installed solar energy, the electricity price per kilowatt hour on the exchange would have been more than eight cents lower in August.
The leader of the Polish photovoltaic sector, currently developing nationally a portfolio of projects with a capacity of more than 4 GWp, has announced that it has signed a cooperation agreement with one of the key developers of PV farms in Germany.
To enable the long-term 100% green power supply on an industrial scale, Statkraft will supply further wind power and solar power to Daimler in the form of PPAs.
The Managing Board of SMA is calling on the German government to legislate substantially greater expansion rates for PV generation in Germany.
For the still outstanding heat turnaround, electric heat pumps (currently still five per cent) could be supplemented by a small share of power-to-hydrogen plants. These function like fuel cell CHP units, but additionally use hydrogen electrolysis.
The energy transition poses major challenges for society. More courage is needed on the part of all stakeholders to initiate the necessary transformations and avoid a generation gap in the coming years.
I have been riding the solar roller coaster for around ten years and I know: forecasts about photovoltaics are generally speaking a path to failure!