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Interview: Jan Paul Dahm, Managing Director of wholesaler EWS, on business in Northern Europe, expertise in residential storage and service for installers.
Tailwind for the PV battery market in Sweden. The Swedish tax authority allows tax relief for batteries that are only partially used to store self-generated electricity, as wholesaler EWS reports.
The installation company from Trelleborg in southern Sweden is a strong partner of the solar specialist dealer EWS. The joint vision focuses on innovation, sustainable progress and efficient task sharing - true to the motto: hand in hand to success.
Interview: The new PV online marketplace continues to grow fast, as latest figures show. CEO Agata Krawiec-Rokita describes the further strategy.
Tesvolt expands to Italy and offers onsite-training for installation partners. The company will present its battery storage system for commercial and industrial use at KEY – The Energy Transition Expo in Rimini (February 28-March 1).
Two years ago, the Swedish solar trade association Svensk Solenergi launched its certification of solar installers. This week, the number of certified PV installers exceeded one thousand.
To ensure safe and secure PV installations when demand increases, the Swedish Solar Energy Association (Svensk Solenergi) has developed a new guideline for private individuals and offers its members free certification of installers.
As a result of the sharp increase in PV installations in Sweden, PV-installer safety is becoming more important, the Swedish Solar Energy Assocation (Svensk Solenergi) reports.
What technological innovations and product developments are on the horizon at Fronius? Martin Hackl, Head of the Solar Division at Fronius International, comments in an interview.
Inverter manufacturer Fronius has almost doubled its production capacity in Sattledt, Austria. But more is needed to survive as a European manufacturer in a tough market, as a visit on site shows.
The Belgian PV market is developing dynamically, especially in the residential sector around self-consumption solutions. The quality awareness is high. This was demonstrated at the Solar Solutions trade fair, which was held for the first time in Kortrijk (Flanders)., the new online marketplace for the photovoltaic (PV) industry in Europe, has been launched. More than 700 installers already registered within short time.
One man's sorrow is another man's joy: module prices are continuing to fall. This is good for planners and installers. But wholesalers are coming under even greater pressure.
BayWa r.e. Solar Trade has signed an acquisition agreement for Ribeiro Solar, a PV wholesale company operating exclusively in Brazil. The company thus strengthens its own position in the Brazilian and international PV market.
The Solar Energy Association of Ukraine (ASEU) showcased the Ukrainian solar power potential for recovery and presented leading Ukrainian EPC and manufacturers at Intersolar Europe 2023.
With more than 250,000 BYD Battery-Box systems delivered in 2022, the company was able to double the 2021 delivery numbers and expects to expand the production again in 2023.
Sonepar France has acquired a majority stake in Alliantz, a privately-owned distributor of photovoltaics and energy efficiency solutions.
Interview: Neil McKee, member of the leadership team of BHC Distributors Ltd about exploding energy prices, the growing PV market in Ireland, supply chain bottlenecks and quality aspects. The company is a Premium Partner Gold of Solarwatt.
SolarPower Europe’s EU Solar Jobs Report 2022 reveals that the solar sector employed 466,000 people in the European Union in 2021, an annual increase of over 30%, up from 358,000 in 2020.
More flexible, modular, simpler, lighter and at the same time more robust, load-bearing and durable: this is where manufacturers of mounting systems for PV modules are optimizing their products and solutions, as became clear at Intersolar Europe 2022 in Munich.
Herbert Muders, Managing Director of Trianel Energieprojekte, on municipal participation, long approval times and land availability, as well as supply bottlenecks and cost increases.
A survey ov IBC Solar with installation partners provides insight into current market developments.
This service unburdens installers for a speedily and reliable commercial system commissioning in accordance to all security and warranty requirements
When installing solar generators, the old principle applies: time is money. Willem Haag, Head of Sales of K2 Systems, reveals how the mounting systems can be made even leaner. Broadcast date: October 6, 2021 at 1.30 p.m.
In July the PV market grew also significantly stronger than last year, the Swedish solar industry association Svensk Solenergi reports.