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What drives me? The vision that the many convincing arguments in favour of a comprehensive energy supply based on photovoltaics (and other renewable energies) will soon find their way into the consciousness of citizens, but also of business, the media and, above all, politics.
What concerns me personally is not directly climate change, but the consumption of resources on our planet. Because all people want to share in the prosperity.
We are already at a point with renewable energies that none of us could have imagined reaching even five years ago. Nevertheless, almost all projects are still thought of in far too one-dimensional a way, each based on a specific type of renewable energy production.
My and our vision as Fenecon is the 100 per cent energy transition. By this we mean a world that is supplied with 100 per cent renewable energies - for electricity, heating/cooling and mobility.
Clean and affordable energy for all! In 2002, with the solar systems on school roofs, funded by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, this vision was still unimaginably far away. But today we are getting closer and closer to global grid parity.
As Managing Director of Sonnenstromfabrik, the most modern and qualitatively leading manufacturer of photovoltaic modules in Europe, I am driven by the vision of climate-neutral energy production.
Phoenix Contact's vision for the energy transition in the future is clean and affordable electricity that is available to everyone everywhere in the world. This vision cannot be realised with solar energy alone.
Analysts, politicians and media representatives do not embrace visions until entrepreneurs have paved the way for them. Until then, the visionary is a crank.
How good is good? Digitalisation leaves no questions unanswered. Today, the productivity of photovoltaic systems can be precisely measured and easily optimised.
What the photovoltaic industry has achieved so far is impressive. Costs have fallen by more than 70 per cent in the last ten years and the technology is gaining broad acceptance among the population after a small slump.
Photovoltaics on every building and that as a matter of course, plus a socially accepted energy transition in which electricity is more than just something that comes out of the socket. That is our vision for the industry and our energy future.
We at Next2Sun GmbH have been proving the practicality of our Agro-PV system for quite some time. Recently, our second Agri-PV solar park in Donaueschingen officially went into operation.
The energy transition poses major challenges for society. More courage is needed on the part of all stakeholders to initiate the necessary transformations and avoid a generation gap in the coming years.
A way of thinking and acting that is consistently and sustainably oriented towards renewable energies. Photovoltaics has developed into one of the most efficient and more cost-effective forms of electricity generation and is the technology of our time!
I have been riding the solar roller coaster for around ten years and I know: forecasts about photovoltaics are generally speaking a path to failure!
Living in a world that meets 100 per cent of its energy needs from renewable sources. And what continues to really drive me: Recent experience and developments show me that this vision is no longer a utopia, but actually seems to be becoming a reality.
Stopping climate change - that is my vision. Quite simply, to leave our children and future generations a planet that they can live on in a way that conserves resources, is sustainable and enjoyable.
Solar energy is the natural energy source for our planet. It has the greatest energetic and technical potential of all energy sources we know. It is environmentally and climate friendly, available worldwide and enjoys broad acceptance.