German website
Last Friday marked the three year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Beyond its military, one of the country’s fiercest defenders has been its power sector. Restoring destroyed plants, preventing blackouts and moving equipment, all while investing in new renewable capacity: Ukraine’s power sector is a masterful example of resilience from which Europe can learn, says Eurelectric.
The new Special Edition on the decentralised generation and use of solar power in agriculture has been published. It is available to download free of charge.
The Republic of Moldova is taking major steps to encourage investment in renewable energies, expand international partnerships and achieve climate targets. Photovoltaics play an important role in this. The first tenders were recently launched.
The European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) announces the appointment of Carlos del Cañizo as the General Chair of the 42nd edition which will take place from 22 to 26 September in Bilbao, Spain.
With Trump’s re-election, Germanwatch expresses deep concern over the future of international climate action as fossil fuel interests take centre stage in the US government.
For clean energy to continue growing at pace, greater investment in new energy systems, especially in electricity grids and energy storage, is necessary, IEA`s new World Energy Outlook 2024 says. Today, for every dollar spent on renewable power, only 60 cents are spent on grids and storage.
The EBRD provides a €28 million loan for the upgrade of electrical substation Brezna. This enables to integrate up to 400 MW of new, large-scale renewable energy into the country’s power grid.
2023 saw the highest ever increase in renewable energy jobs, from 13.7 million in 2022 to 16.2 million, according to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
With solar leading their rapid deployment, renewables are on course to meet almost half of global electricity demand by the end of this decade, a new report of the International Energy Agency (IEA) says.
RWE recorded a significant increase in earnings in the offshore wind and onshore wind/solar segments in the first half of 2024. In the first six months, the company posted adjusted EBITDA of €2.9 billion and adjusted net income of €1.4 billion.
Peter Helm, one of the founders of WIP Renewable Energies, a founding member of several European renewable energy associations and a pioneering figure in the organisation of the EU PVSEC has passed away.
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the global expansion of renewables has accelerated massively in 2023. China is the driving force behind this.
Puerto Real 3 is the name of MET Group's first solar park in Spain. The solar power plant in Andalusia has already gone into operation and has an output of 50 megawatts.
Oil company Total is getting involved in a project to export electricity directly from Africa to the UK. It is set to deliver constant high output from 2027.
Qualitas' flagship fund Q-Energy Fund V (QE V) invests almost €2.4 billion in renewable energy assets and infrastructure for the energy transition in Europe.
Plastic and fossil fuels are harmful to the environment. To ensure that at least their production is climate-neutral, Total Energies has built a large solar park with a storage unit in Texas.
Around 1,200 new flats are currently being built on the site of a former barracks. Stadtwerke Bamberg will generate 70 per cent of the required energy from on-site renewable sources. The key element: the combination of PV with heat pumps.
TotalEnergies and European Energy have agreed to jointly develop, build and operate in a 65/35 joint-venture for at least 4 gigawatts of onshore renewable projects in multiple geographies.
An exciting technology park has been created at the entrance to the Phoenix Contact company premises in Blomberg. It shows which solar solutions, storage units, electrical heating technology and charging stations are already possible. What looks like the future was built exclusively with tried and tested technology.
More than 2,000 parabolic mirrors generate the heat Avery Dennison needs for the production of pressure-sensitive adhesive products. A storage unit and a control platform ensure that the solar heat is available at all times.
The Offgrid Expo will take place in Augsburg on 7 and 8 December 2023. It combines a high-calibre congress with an industry show all about off-grid solar systems. Wind power and hydropower will also be featured. Use the code below for free tickets.
The sector association Eurelectric calls for more electricity distribution grid capacity to enable Europe’s energy transition .
New analysis from Cornwall Insight and Smart Energy GB has revealed the substantial cost-saving potential of household flexible electricity initiatives such as time-of-use tariffs, smart meters, solar PV and batteries.
Far up in the north of Canada, the mining company Rio Tinto is building a solar park. It will partially supply a diamond mine there with electricity.
How India meets its growing energy demand and changes its primary energy mix over the coming decade will substantially influence global energy markets and help determine if, and when, global emissions targets are reached, according to a new analysis by S&P Global Commodity Insights.