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All articles of topic Spain

© Q Energy

Q Energy builds three solar parks with 200 megawatts in Andalusia


Project developer Q Energy is planning to build three large solar power plants in Andalusia in southern Spain. The solar power can supply more than 92,000 households. In total, 62,000 tonnes of CO2 per year will be avoided in future.

© Trinasolar

Spain: Valcasado solar park goes all-in on smart tracker optimisation


The new park from Green Tie Capital features bifacial double glass modules combined with an intelligent tracking system, and is set to supply the San Juan del Puerto municipality with clean energy for decades.


APPA study: Electrification offers historic opportunity for Spain


Electric cars, solar heating and cooling as well as industrial processes will increase electricity demand by up to 30 TWh (+12%) compared to 2024. At the same time, the Spanish economy could save up to 6.71 billion euros per year through a green electricity supply. On average, each household could reduce its energy costs by 64% or more than €1,400 per year.

© Edisun

Edisun Power builds three large solar parks in the Madrid area


The Madrid region has the highest energy consumption in Spain. So, the demand for solar power is therefore huge. Swiss project developer Edisun Power Europe is now developing three large solar parks near the capital, with almost one gigawatt of solar power.

© R.Power

Polish investor R.Power plans 100 MW of solar power for the Portuguese market


Project developer and investor R.Power has announced ambitious plans for the Portuguese market. The Warsaw-based company aims to build up a portfolio of 100 MW of photovoltaic systems in Portugal in the medium term. New investments in solar and battery storage are also planned in Spain.

© Velka Botička

Edisun Power builds solar power plant to supply data centres in Spain


The Swiss energy provider is building a huge solar park near Madrid to cover the immense energy consumption of artificial intelligence. This will be specially adapted to supply data centres.

© EMT Valencia

Spain: EMT Valencia receives loan for 145 e-buses


The European Investment Bank EIB is granting a loan of 69 million euros to the Valencia-based transport company EMT. With the money, EMT wants to make its own fleet of e-buses greener. The plan is to purchase 145 e-buses to replace old vehicles.

© DH2 Energy

Spain: 1.5 GW green hydrogen projects of DH2 Energy in Extremadura


Renewable hydrogen developer and independent producer DH2 Energy is developing four large-scale green hydrogen facilities in Spain's Extremadura region. The DH2 Energy initiatives under way in Extremadura represent a total investment of €2.25 billion.


EU PVSEC 2025: Showcasing the next generation of photovoltaics


The European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC) announces the appointment of Carlos del Cañizo as the General Chair of the 42nd edition which will take place from 22 to 26 September in Bilbao, Spain.

© DH2 Energy

First renewable hydrogen auction on the Iberian market started


The Gas market operator MIBGAS has opened the auction process for the purchase of renewable hydrogen from DH2 Energy`s solar Hysencia plant in Aragón, which has an electrolysis capacity of 35 MW. Operations are anticipated to commence in the first half of 2027.

© BayWa r.e.

Increase the rate of expansion for renewables in Europe by a factor 5


The opportunities and potential of a European energy network with renewable electricity and green hydrogen are the focus of a study by the Jülich Research Center. Synthetic fuels play an important role in this, but nuclear power does not.

© BayWa r.e.

Large-scale project in Spain with particularly high yield forecast


R.Power has been awarded a large-scale PV farm project in Spain with a capacity of 65 MW with an expected particularly high yield. The energy will be sold via a PPA.

© ib vogt

Spain: 89 MW solar PPA of ib vogt and Corning


International solar developer ib vogt has signed a virtual Power Purchase Agreement (vPPA) with Corning Incorporated for a capacity of 88.78 MW. The deal will supply electricity from the Pato solar power farm, located in the eastern region of Segovia, Spain, to the grid.

© K2 Systems

K2 Systems Spain joins UNEF and APPA


Just a few months after opening its new site in Valencia, K2 Systems is thus emphasizing its commitment to the Spanish photovoltaic sector by joining two important Spanish associations: UNEF (Unión Española Fotovoltaica) and APPA (Asociación de Empresas de Energías Renovables).


Q ENERGY: 52 MW solar park in Extremadura also promotes biodiversity


Q ENERGY started construction of a 52 MW solar farm in the Spanish region of Extremadura. Extensive measures to protect nature and the environment are integrated into the project.

© SolarPower Europe
Solarpower Europe

Weakening PV rooftop market slows growth of solar jobs


The growth of Europe's green jobs is faltering, as the solar sector foresees only a 0.4% workforce increase in 2024. Despite a 27% job number growth in 2023, slower solar deployment and a challenged manufacturing sector limit the growth of the solar workforce from 826,000 in 2023, to 830,000 in 2024. 

© Goldbeck Solar
Interview Goldbeck Solar

Joachim Goldbeck: “Negative electricity prices are a bad fit with PPAs”


Joachim Goldbeck, the founder and CEO of the Goldbeck Solar Group, analyzes the prospects for the project business. He assesses potential markets and explains in an interview why he already has upcoming investments in Ukraine on his radar.

© DH2 Energy
Green hydrogen

Spain: DH2 Energy receives environmental permit for green hydrogen plant


DH2 Energy has received the Integrated Environmental Authorization for its Hysencia plant, a 35 MW electrolysis and 49 MW solar pv project, located in Aragon, Spain.

© Iberdrola

Norway's sovereign wealth fund invests millions in solar parks in Spain


Norges Bank Investment Management, manager of the Norwegian sovereign wealth fund Government Pension Fund Global, has signed an agreement to acquire a 49 percent stake in a 644 MW solar portfolio of the Spanish power producer Iberdrola S.A..

© David Oliete Casanova

Spain: Covestro and bp conclude solar PPA


Covestro and bp have signed a ten-year PPA for electricity from a solar park in Spain. The agreement increases the share of renewable energy in Covestro's total electricity consumption in Spain from less than 10 percent to around 30 percent.

© BayWa r.e.
 BayWa r.e./Encavis

Spain: 95 MW solar park sold


BayWa r.e. has sold the Spanish solar park Almodóvar to the independent power producer (IPP) Encavis AG. The plant in Andalusia, west of Córdoba, is expected to be connected to the grid in the fourth quarter of 2025.

© Eurener

Spain: New PV module factory of Eurener and partners


Spanish PV panel manufacturer Eurener is opening a new photovoltaic module factory in Langreo/Asturias. This will increase Eurener's production capacity to over 500 MW. Partners of the industrial project are Iberdrola and Exiom.

© BayWa r.e.

Agri-PV park with PPA and more biodiversity


BayWa r.e.'s first 54 MW agri-PV solar park in Spain is fully operational and has been connected to the local power grid. VELUX purchases the electricity via a PPA.

© Baywa r.e.

Recurrent Energy secures up to €1.3 billion for EU projects


Developer Recurrent Energy, a subsidiary of Canadian Solar, is looking to expand its European portfolio of solar parks and battery storage projects. New financing from ten banks will enable the construction of projects in Spain, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, France and Germany.

© Goldbeck Solar

Tailwind for photovoltaics on the Balearic Islands


Photovoltaics is making strong progress on the Balearic Islands. Goldbeck Solar and Blue Elephant Energy recently celebrated the ground-breaking ceremony for the 11.6 MW Binissalem solar park on Mallorca.