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Southeastern Europe

Aiko PV modules for Bosnia's largest solar park

The agreement stipulates that the entire capacity will be installed using highly efficient modules from Aiko's ABC Stellar series. These have an efficiency of over 23.9%.
The contract continues the successful collaboration between Aiko and Tibra Pacific. Earlier this year, the two companies agreed on a 6 MW project, parts of which have now been connected to the grid.

See the video about Aiko at our pv Guided Tours

The original project plan was for 104.5 MW, with 40.5 MW of TOPCon modules and 6 MW of Aiko ABC modules to be delivered in the first phase. However, after the grid connection at the beginning of June, measurements taken by the engineers on site showed that the Aiko modules generated 12% more solar power than the other products installed, and reduced electricity costs by 3%.

Read more about another project of Aiko

Tibra Pacific therefore decided to switch the remaining 58 MW to Aiko's ABC-Stellar series. The goal is to complete the installation by the end of the year and to launch the power plant in the first quarter of next year.

Selecting suppliers and  technology

Robert Brajkovic, Chairman of the Board of Tibra Pacific, explained the decision in favor of the ABC modules: “After going through several technological iterations in the industry, we took our time selecting suppliers and technology for the largest public power plant in Bosnia-Herzegovina. After thorough calculations and comparisons, Aiko modules stood out in terms of efficiency and performance. My practical tests of Aiko modules during Intersolar, including tests for partial shading and resistance to microcracks, further strengthened my confidence in Aiko's quality and performance. In addition, we were impressed by the warm welcome we received from CEO Chen Gang and the technical support provided by the Aiko team for our project.“ (hcn)