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Optimized solar self-consumption

The software-based, modular energy management system based on EnnexOS, the IOT platform for energy management developed by SMA, is to be integrated into the smart meter gateway.

Effective use of the digital infrastructure

“Together with Munich City Utilities, Coneva is investing in the future market of the digital energy industry,” said Jochen Schneider, General Manager of Coneva. “The smart meter rollout has now been legally defined for Germany. As part of this collaboration, we will now examine whether and how this digital infrastructure can be effectively used by utility companies and end customers alike to generate additional benefit that is relevant to the end customer, allow them to participate in the energy market and to optimize this participation.”

Activate loads from PV, storage and household appliances

By combining the energy management system with the smart meter gateway, the gateway can not only be used to transmit consumption data. The secure gateway infrastructure also allows to activate generation systems, energy storage systems and loads, e.g., from the areas of photovoltaics, stationary and mobile storage systems and household appliances.

“As the metering point operator with overall responsibility in Munich, it is naturally important to us to further expand the use of the existing digital smart meter infrastructure,” said Florian Bieberbach, Chief Executive Officer of Munich City Utilities. “Working closely with Coneva, we now want to further promote the digitalization of the energy transition and expand it by the functional scope of energy management. We consider the joint pilot project as the next logical step in further promoting the renewable energies expansion campaign.” (HCN)

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